Why Hire an Intimate Wedding Planner

You may be thinking to yourself, “I can plan an intimate wedding. How hard could it be?” And it turns out, that of course you can. Technically, you can also buy and install a fuel pump on your car too. But, it’s probably a lot less messy and more likely to be awesome if someone more qualified does it.


So what about wedding planning makes it a better option than doing it yourself? Well let me give you some examples.


You know that restaurant that sounds great for a 15 person reception? Maybe the room really only comfortably holds 10 people and they are fudging their way to get your business. You know that hotel that has a great view? Maybe that hotel photoshopped the images and your view actually overlooks the dumpster. Oh, and that photographer you really like? Maybe they are known in the wedding industry to be real jerks on the day of the ceremony. How would you know any of these things? Well, that’s where a wedding planner comes in.


They’ve already done the research and they understand the common problems that can crop up during a wedding. Anything they recommend has already met or exceeds their standards. And any vendor they suggest is one that either they work with on a routine basis or is someone they know to be on top of their game. They have already gone down all the roads you’re considering and have found the ones that lead to frustration and disappointment. Sure, it’s going to cost you money. Their expertise isn’t cheap. But at the end of your big day, would you have rather had someone help you avoid problems or spend your big day frustrated and disappointed because of them. 


In fact, there are many large wedding venues, well beyond the scope of this website, that require that you hire a wedding planner. And it’s not because they’re trying to be difficult. They are actually setting a standard of service. They don’t want you to have a bad experience on their property. If you try to plan a wedding by yourself, or have a friend or family member try to do it, you’re highly likely to run into issues. Weddings are a complicated, interconnected chain of events that typically require the coordination of several professionals who may or may not have ever worked together before. And once a problem occurs, it can have far reaching effects up to several hours later. 


That being said, we are happy, even actually ecstatic, to help you filter through and find the perfect ceremony site. And when you have any questions about travel, restaurants, hotels, etc. we will be happy to direct you to the wedding planners we trust to help you.