Usage Guide

The scouting reports provide nearly all the key data you could need to decide on which site is best for you. Having worked with hundreds of couples and seeing what issues they have faced and what things were important to them helped us craft the scouting criteria you see here. At one point or another, the criteria on display have been a significant factor for a couple and drove their choice for a ceremony site.

That said, the absolute universally perfect ceremony site, well, it doesn’t exist. You are going to have to make tradeoffs. And we feel like it’s our job to objectively tell you about each site so you can figure out what those tradeoffs are and make the best choice for you. 

How to Get Started

First, just play around with the filter and see what it does. Experience in using the tool is a great place to start. You can select your criteria, reset, mark your favorites and even perform a word search. 

Once you feel comfortable with the tool, it’s time to get down to business. You need to make a short prioritized list of the deal breakers. Is aunt Debby coming in a wheelchair? Then the path type is pretty important to ensure she can get to the ceremony site. Is Crested Butte where you got engaged and now want to follow up with the ceremony? Then the nearest city might be your next choice. How about a site you can actually reserve? Then permit type is going to be pretty important too. The more filters you apply the fewer options will appear. And at some point, if you keep adding filters, you’ll finally get down to no options at all. Like we said, there is no universally perfect ceremony site. So now it’s all about tradeoffs. Maybe a reservation isn’t really that important if you can get that Mountain Overlook view you’ve always wanted. There are really so many factors and choices, that it may take you a while to really narrow in on the best site for you. 

Scouting Criteria

Are there specific geographic elements that you need? A nearest city? A lake view? There are lots of options that rely on the geography of a site.

How accessible is the site? What limitations will there be for vehicle or people access?

Is cell service a must in order to help guide guests to your site? Perhaps you’d like a flush toilet nearby?

Do you want to be able to reserve your site? Or perhaps not need to? How much will is cost? Will you photographer need a permit?

Is the site available year round? Perhaps only open during the summer… or the winter?