Frequently Asked Questions

WedWhere is launching in Colorado, the corporate home state. But plans are in the works to expand into other areas and states where destination weddings, intimate weddings and elopements are popular. Next up are Maui, Cancun and Puerta Vallarta.

If you’ve found a site you like and want to know more about it, we are not the ones to ask. The site administrator will have far more accurate and much more up to date information than we could ever hope to deliver. You can find their contact information in the bottom section of the scouting report. We’re just here to introduce you to a world of possibilities!

Honestly, yes and no. When we visit a site, we collect any information that was available. We try to take photos of the parking lot, facilities, structures, trail conditions, signs, background, and anything else that we feel might merit your attention. We gather pamphlets and any other provided information. Later we research the admin authority for the site, and if we can, we try to talk to someone about the site to make sure we are providing correct information. Sometimes they get back to us, and sometimes they don’t. The information we provide is as good as we can do. But keep in mind that things can change. We provide the dates for when we last visited and when we last updated the information. If you want true up to the minute information, you’ll need to reach out to the admin authority for the site.

In a video chat, we will be able to provide you with more context about the sites you are interested in or simply help you narrow in on ones that suit your needs. We will walk you through sites using Google Earth and Google Maps to help you understand each feature the site holds and things you might want to make note of before you make your choice. Whether you want help in your search or just want to feel more confident about your choice, we are here to help.

We realize that sometimes there’s a region or place that you’re already fond of and are dead-set to wanting to get married there. And it’s quite possible we haven’t scouted there yet. Perhaps you want to get married in the same area as the proposal. Perhaps you have a favorite town or area that’s near and dear to your hearts. Whatever it is, we are willing to travel and search out the areas that would make for a great intimate wedding. We already have all the tools, tips and tricks at our disposal to find everything from well known locations to hidden sites just off the beaten path. Pricing varies by location and what you’re looking for us to do, but a good ball park is around $1000 plus travel.

The filter criteria are described in greater detail in the Usage Guide. But we hope that each filter is fairly self explanatory. 

We think it’s best to start with a subscription. This will give you access to a lot of information about a lot of sites. By trying to filter through them you’ll discover a lot about what really is important to you want really isn’t. This is really the starting point: determining your priorities. Once you’ve picked your favorites, it would be a good idea to contact the admin authorities and make sure the data we’ve presented and what you expect is actually in alignment. It’s at this point that we think you should be ready to make a choice. And if you feel confident about it, Bam! You’re done. Congrats! But if you’re still unsure about it or if the admin authorities weren’t as helpful as you hoped, then it might be worth setting up a video chat with us. You can tell us more about what you’re looking for and we can talk you through your options and give you our opinion. We’re veteran wedding professionals and having been to all these sites, we are guessing there aren’t going to be many questions we can’t answer.

When we are out scouting locations we don’t have the benefit of waiting for the perfect conditions to take a perfect photo. Because, let’s be honest here, you’re choosing a date and time in the future and who knows what the weather is going to be like. Sometimes it’s raining. Sometimes it’s hazy. Sometimes it’s covered in snow. We do our best to keep things real, so we too are arbitrarily picking a time and date to do this. Every photo is taken as the site was when we visited it. The photo is untouched and unfiltered but may be resized and image compressed to fit on the website. As such, some sites may look glorious with bright features in the sunshine while others look muted and grey in the twilight.

We do use panoramas to help show more context and a wider view of an area to help you appreciate the space whenever we think it will be helpful.