Wondering where to get married in Colorado?
We’ve scouted several hundred elopement and intimate wedding ceremony sites all over Colorado. We’ll tell you all about each site’s accessibility, privacy, amenities, availability and permitting and provide you with loads of photos, maps, satellite views and contact info to turn your dream location into a reality. Choose from one of three different services to get started!
Adventure may take you far away,
yet bring you closer than ever
It can be a challenge to find quality resources and vendors for intimate weddings. So much of the wedding industry is just that: industrial. So many websites cater to large weddings and get paid by helping vendors entice you with more and more options to make a wedding bigger. Well, bigger isn’t always better. Sometimes the most intimate moments require less, not more. And that is where we can help. We have actually been to every single site listed here. We have parked in the parking lots, hiked down the trails, talked to land managers and even performed some weddings at these locations. And we’ve packed all of this information into an easily searchable database to make it easy for you to find the spot that makes the most sense for you.
Our Services
What We Can Do

Site Search &
Scouting Reports
Select the types of accessibility, privacy, amenities, availability and permitting that you're looking for and we'll show you loads of photos, maps, satellite views and contact info to turn your dream location into a reality.
Video Chat
with an Expert
We have actually been to every single site listed here. We have parked in the parking lots, hiked down the trails, talked to land managers and even performed numerous weddings at a lot of these locations. We'll be your guide.

Are you looking to get married somewhere we haven't been yet, want more up to date info or are looking for something particularly special? Well, we can help with that too. Our bags are packed, just tell us where you want us to go!
Want personalized assistance?
If that’s not enough, we also offer two additional services. We can meet in a one-hour video chat where we can provide personal insights and assistance in selecting a location. Or if you are interested in having us scout a particular area that we haven’t covered, or you’d like us to get you some more up to date information, we’re happy to do that too! See the following links for details…
What Our Clients Say
Dive right in and check out a sample search!
Here you can see what our ceremony scouting reports look like and how you’ll be able to search and filter with your one month membership.